Gaining Ground


As we reflect on 2023, we are excited to share the profound impact of our collective efforts in this year’s annual report. With your invaluable support, the Sierra Club Foundation continues to gain ground toward creating a sustainable, equitable world for all of us.  

Last year was a pivotal moment in that fight. From our successful investments in energy justice projects to our efforts in strengthening the bond between people and nature, the Foundation is at the forefront of catalyzing positive change. 

Backed by the Foundation’s funding, the Sierra Club and its supporters have been on the ground, mobilizing communities to take full advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime climate investments from the Inflation Reduction Act and accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy. 

2023 was also a monumental year for land and water protection, with more than 12.5 million acres of land gaining federal protection. This brought us closer to fulfilling President Biden’s 30x30 pledge to preserve at least 30 percent of U.S. lands, freshwaters, and ocean areas by 2030. Sierra Club worked alongside Tribal leaders and local activists to safeguard sacred lands against extractive mining. These achievements and more are a testament to what we can accomplish together. 

Our efforts in the next decade will be crucial if we are to avoid climate catastrophe. We urgently need to shift capital from the exploitative fossil fuel economy to a restorative, renewable energy economy. Through the Shifting Trillions initiative, the Sierra Club Foundation is transforming energy finance as an investor, active asset owner, and philanthropic thought leader.

Together, we actively support the flourishing of all communities and wildlife. Thank you for your unwavering partnership. 

In Solidarity,

Dan and Robin

Dan Chu's signature
Dan Chu, smiling in front of a wall of green plants.

Dan Chu
Executive Director


Robin Mann's signature
Robin Mann smiling, outdoors with a blue sky and treetops behind her.

Robin Mann
Board Chair



The Sierra Club Foundation (“Foundation”) is a 501(c)(3) public charity governed by an independent board of directors and is the fiscal sponsor of the charitable programs of the Sierra Club, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. The Foundation uses a pre-approved grant fiscal sponsorship model, which creates a grantor (Foundation) – grantee (Sierra Club) relationship through which the Foundation maintains independent oversight, control, and discretion/variance power over all funds raised and granted for charitable purposes as required by law. The Sierra Club Foundation uses tax deductible contributions to make grants to the Sierra Club and other organizations for scientific, educational, literary, non-partisan research, organizing, advocacy, litigation, and communications programs that further our goals. Sierra Club’s extensive legislative lobbying and political advocacy are funded separately by non-tax deductible contributions made directly to the Sierra Club.


Awarded over

in Grants




Non-Profit Organizations




of Total Expenses for Direct Program Support

Energy Transformation 

The Sierra Club Foundation actively invests in climate solutions to speed up the shift to a clean energy economy that better serves people and nature. Thanks to our concerted effort, wind and solar energy are projected to surpass energy from coal next year, bringing us even closer to 100 percent clean energy by 2035. From retiring coal plants to powering the green energy revolution in rural America, the Sierra Club Foundation’s investments are moving us all toward a brighter, healthier future. 


Empowering Communities

After years of grassroots advocacy by the Sierra Club and allies, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, two historic investments in clean energy, environmental justice, and climate action. Billions of federal dollars are available for good-paying, clean energy jobs and reducing carbon emissions, but only if state and local governments take full advantage. 

Through its IRA Community Advocates program, nearly every Sierra Club state chapter is building teams of volunteers trained in supporting the full and equitable implementation of the IRA. In November 2023, the Community Advocates Program launched with more than 500 people attending a virtual kick-off event and hundreds more committing to join the program. 

After the launch, from November to January, over 20 chapters organized events with their volunteer leaders to promote advocacy for federal programs. Home Energy Rebate Letter Writing Webinars trained more than 60 participants on how to write effective letters to their State Energy Offices. Additionally, 36 chapters that joined the Community Advocates Program participated in peer learning circles focused on priority funds, hosted Earth Day events highlighting IRA investments, and motivated their states and local communities to apply for available grants.


Empowering the next generation of community climate activists to leverage IRA initiatives in communities across the country.

A state map of the United States in green, with an animation shading states in deeper green to represent dozens of Sierra Club chapters engaged in the Community Advocates program.

Since last fall I have been engaged with the Utah Sierra Club in our Community Advocates Program. We have three teams that are working on getting IRA funding for electric school buses, wildlife crossings, and home energy rebates. We have learned so much about how to be effective advocates from the monthly training conducted by the Utah Sierra Club and by the national staff. Our teams have held successful tabling events and meetings with state agencies and local organizations to advocate for these programs.

People & Nature

The Sierra Club and the Sierra Club Foundation are working to safeguard spaces everyone cherishes — forests, rivers, and beautiful landscapes.

From protecting city parks to national forests and partnering with Tribal leaders to preserve Native American cultural sites, the Sierra Club is working relentlessly to fulfill President Biden’s 30x30 pledge. 

Motivated by a profound dedication to people and nature, Sierra Club activists, supporters, and partners use creative advocacy, strategic communications, and litigation to fight for a sustainable future. 

The world we all deserve is one where our sacred lands, water, and wildlife are protected.


Parks for All

Ensuring everyone has access to and can safely enjoy the transformative power of the outdoors is a pivotal part of the Sierra Club and the Sierra Club Foundation’s missions. Time spent outdoors has profound positive effects on physical and mental health, but not everyone has equal access: surveys show that Black, Indigenous, and people of color visit the National Parks at a lower rate than white people.

The Sierra Club’s “Our Parks Too'' partnership aims to increase Black presence in National Parks and confront the unwelcomeness felt by many when visiting these public lands. Last year, Baltimore natives Kristen Walker and Diamon Clark embarked on a social-media-filmed journey across the country to help fulfill their mission of getting more people who look like them to enjoy the outdoors.

Sierra Club is helping to amplify Diamon and Kristen’s travels by producing and sharing social media content, helping meet and grow the organization’s dedication to inclusivity, and furthering the mission to make America's natural treasures accessible and enjoyable for all. 

I’ve been nervous at times to visit certain towns and outdoor spaces alone as a Black woman…But I’m thankful to have finally found a community [that] has strengthened my confidence in exploring these landscapes and will help me bridge the adventure gap! 


National Monuments

In partnership with Tribal leaders, state Sierra Club chapters, and local activists, the Sierra Club has advocated tirelessly for the preservation of lands rich in ancestral heritage and ecological value. 

In 2023, the Biden administration established four new national monuments, protecting millions of acres of land and wildlife habitat. The Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni-Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument is now federally protected against extractive mining, ensuring that thousands of Native American cultural sites will be preserved.

1.4 million+ acres of public lands protected via national monument designations in 2023.

In Nevada, Avi Kwa Ame, the Mojave name for "Spirit Mountain," is culturally and historically significant to 12 Tribes. This corner of the Mojave Desert is sacred and home to endemic species like the bighorn sheep. We continued community organizing to build support for inclusive and expansive protections for important historic sites and ecological areas to meet our 30x30 goals.

An animation of a white and grey map of the Grand Canyon region with green coloring to represent the expanded protections over the decades. A dark green date marker in the bottom left lists the year as green protections expand to represent the growing lands protections.

Map Analyst Heather Stricker


In 2023, 917,000 acres were federally protected with the designation of Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument.

Shifting Capital

The banking system’s financing of fossil fuel projects is accelerating the climate catastrophe. Wall Street must rapidly shift trillions of dollars into developing clean energy, restoring ecosystems, and other climate innovations to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

The Sierra Club Foundation is on the frontlines of this massive financial transformation as an investor and active asset owner, as well as through its “Shifting Trillions” initiative and financial support for the Sierra Club’s Fossil Free Finance Campaign. The Foundation actively invests in equitable and just climate solutions, advocates for investments in clean energy, and uses its platform to shine a light on the communities most impacted by climate change and the extractive fossil fuel economy.


Transforming Finance

The Foundation is gaining ground in transforming the energy finance system through its Shifting Trillions program. Pedro Henriques da Silva was appointed as the Sierra Club Foundation’s first Director for Shifting Trillions, supercharging the Foundation’s efforts to shift capital toward environmental justice. 

As an active and engaged shareholder, the Sierra Club Foundation is uniquely positioned to influence capital managers in the private and public sectors. The Foundation actively engages with investors about how climate change and social inequity create material risks to their assets and why financing community-driven environmental solutions is essential.

In 2023 and 2024, the Shifting Trillions program achieved significant milestones toward its ambitious goal to shift at least $2 trillion worth of private capital toward green investments by 2028. The program’s strategic engagement with several financial institutions resulted in a series of commitments from those institutions to publish formal, company-wide guidelines regarding environmental justice in 2024, covering more than $5 trillion in capital and illustrating the profound impact of our program.

These achievements reflect the Foundation’s growing influence and commitment to transforming the financial landscape. By shifting trillions, the Sierra Club Foundation is paving the way for a greener and more just economy.

Pedro Henriques da Silva
Director for Shifting Trillions shares the program vision - leveraging capital to create the regenerative and just world we all deserve.

A group of women smile in front of a building with pillars, holding up a turquoise sign with a red border that reads "Rebuild Timber Country / Reconstruyamos Nuestro Pueblo'


Firelands Workers United is working to reimagine a statewide program for energy efficiency, weatherization, and healthy housing accessible to poor and working-class families of all races and immigration statuses.

Photo by Firelands

The Foundation for a Healthy Planet

The Sierra Club Foundation promotes efforts to educate and empower people to protect and improve the natural and human environment.


SOLVE the climate crisis primarily through a successful transition to a resource-efficient, clean energy economy that better serves people and nature.                     

SECURE protections for public lands and waters, promote healthy ecosystems and communities, and fight for clean air and water.

EXPAND opportunities for more people to explore, enjoy, and protect the planet by supporting programs and policies that reach across economic, cultural, and community lines to get people outdoors.

BUILD an equitable and inclusive environmental movement that reflects and represents today’s American public and prioritizes important connections between environmental health and social justice. 


The Sierra Club Foundation uses the Jemez Principles to guide its work as a grantmaker, investor, and fiscal sponsor. The principles were created during an environmental justice summit in 1996, with the goal of helping mainstream environmental organizations to be more just and equitable. 







Thanks to our Donors


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our generous individual, corporate, and foundation donors. Your support builds upon our momentum to accelerate environmental solutions that are just, equitable, and inclusive. Thank you for joining with us and making a difference together. 


We offer deep gratitude to our Rachel Carson Society members, who have made an extraordinary pledge to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations. Thank you for making the Sierra Club Foundation part of your legacy and for ensuring that our vibrant natural world lives on.

Who We Are

An independent, volunteer Board of Directors, supported by a professional staff, governs the Sierra Club Foundation. Outstanding programmatic, financial, and administrative management expertise are the pillars of our efficiency and effectiveness.